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Sunday, April 7, 2013

UofM_Fairview_MercyHosp_Charisse Hickerson Kruitty



 Affiant Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella was thrown in Hibbing and St.Peter Hosp
forced Depakote to Harm,Injure etc. Currently Affiant Sharon is Blind in L Eye,Deaf in R. Ear
Questions Why the EyeDrops Travaton  Cost and Danger may trigger Death vs. Smudge Marijuana for Glacoma  Dr. Martha Wright refused to use at the U, Took Sharons Prescribed
Cambigan for use on another patient, contrary to Medical Ethics?
Attorney General has for years unabated the Prescribed_Meds_Drugs Dangers in Bed with
Drug Companys

State of Minnesota
Today is Sunday, April 7, 2013
More about
Attorney General
Lori Swanson

Minnesota Attorney General's Office
1400 Bremer Tower
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 296-3353
(800) 657-3787
M - F 8 am - 5 pm
TTY:(651) 297-7206TTY:(800) 366-4812
Press Release
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Attorney General Lori Swanson announced today that she will hold the first of what may be several public hearings on April 7, 2013 to receive comments on discussions involving the potential takeover of Fairview Health Services (a century-old Minnesota charitable institution which includes the University of Minnesota Medical Center) by Sanford Health of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Attorney General Swanson announced the hearings in the attached letter to Fairview’s Chairman of the Board.
Accretive follow-up. Attorney General Swanson noted that almost a year ago following the completion of her Office’s compliance report involving Fairview’s relationship with Accretive Health, Inc. Fairview announced that it would commence a search for a new CEO, which it said would be completed with a year. Attorney General Swanson said that her office was recently advised by Fairview that no chief executive recruitment has yet been undertaken.
Control of Minnesota charitable institution (Fairview) by out-of-state organization (Sanford). The Attorney General’s Office regulates charitable institutions. The office noted that Fairview has a 100-year history as a charitable institution in Minnesota, having been managed by the Norwegian Hospital Association, then the United Church Hospital Association, and eventually the Evangelical Lutheran Association.
Today, Fairview generates more than $2 billion in annual revenue, has a net worth of about $1.2 billion, employs about 22,000 Minnesotans, and reported net annual income of $129 million in its most recently available quarterly financials.
Attorney General Swanson said: “Fairview is an integral part of our health care system and exists because of 100 years of goodwill, generosity, and financial support of the people of Minnesota. There should be significant public dialogue about any potential transfer of control of this century-old Minnesota charitable institution to Sanford Health of South Dakota.”
Control of University of Minnesota Medical Center by out-of-state organization. The University of Minnesota Medical Center and clinics are part of Fairview as a result of a 1997 Affiliation Agreement between the two organizations. As part of that agreement which runs through 2026 and may be renewed for another 60 years Fairview agreed to support the University’s mission as a world-class academic medical center. Attorney General Swanson said: “There was over one year of public debate before Fairview a local charitable institution governed by Minnesota residents with ties to the University took control of the University of Minnesota Medical Center in 1997. There should be robust public discussion and input now too.”
The Attorney General noted that the University of Minnesota Medical School trains about 70 percent of Minnesota doctors and anchors one end of a famed “medical alley” whose medical device and health care companies employ tens of thousands of Minnesotans.
Attorney General Swanson said her Office decided to conduct public hearings as part of its role as regulator of charitable institutions to give the public the opportunity to participate in this dialogue: “I am troubled by the notion that a small group of people at Fairview and Sanford would conduct private discussions without the benefit of the public’s input regarding a matter of such sweeping consequences for Minnesota when it comes to control of the University health system, the quality of health care for our patients, and our State’s economy and international prestige.”
Click here for details about the public hearing scheduled for April 7, 2013.
People with questions or who wish to participate at the hearing may call the Attorney General's Office at (651) 296-3353 or (800) 657-3787 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or email the Attorney General's Office at attorney.general@ag.state.mn.us.

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